Crocus Rose
Another workhorse of a rose. This rose blends with everything. When all else fails, use Crocus. You can't miss with this rose. Ships well, holds well and the color is just perfect. From a light chamois color to a pure cream when fully open.
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Golden Celebration
One of our favorite roses ever. Rich golden yellow with a citrusy fragrance. These stems are long lasting and can have multiple blooms on a stem. Actually one stem can equal a lovely arrangement.
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Honey Dijon
Yes, the color of Dijon or honey mustard. There are tips of hot pink in the bud, but this opens large and sturdy. Ships well and great vase life. We have lots of plants, but more orders than we can service at this time. If you need this color, put your order in early, it’s first come…
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Jean Giono
Vibrant rose, starts bright yellow with superb tangerine colored veining throughout. When it is fully open, it is orange! Lots and lots of petals and the plant is disease resistant, and vigorous! The spicy fruit fragrance will delight, but honestly, it’s the color... there is really nothing like it.
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Julia Child
Julia Child was ‘family’ here at Rose Story Farm. She had always been a yellow rose aficionado and when she decided she would like her own rose, she wanted yellow of course (just like butter)! She chose this perfect yellow bloom from our test garden. It fades to a warm butter tone and some even say it smells like butter! We think it smells like licorice, but clearly, it’s all in the nose of the beholder. When hybridizer Tom Carruth agreed to name this flower after the famed personality, we created an entire garden dedicated to this rose and of course, to it’s namesake. The plant is a frequent bloomer. In 2006 Julia Child was the winner of the AARS Award.
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Probably the most true yellow we grow. Starts almost gold, opens a pure lemon yellow. Ships well, holds well, but expect a few petals to drop.
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This is a ‘sleeper’.. when Honey Dijon and Butterscotch are not available, choose Sultry. It is the perfect blending rose. A little chamois, a little sepia, and the most perfect yellow tones. Truly fits into most color palettes. Do not let this one slip by you.
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The Pilgrim
The flowers are such a beautiful pale yellow, they almost read ‘white’ when fully open. When he’s in bloom, we have thousands.. Blooms can be on long arching canes. Ask for him to be cut long if you choose.
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