Margaret Merrill
We’ve grown her since the beginning. I used to market her as a rose that would grow in the shade. She does. The single or double petal roses are all the rage right now, so she’s making a come back. Black pepper sepals complete the package. True white! Give her a try if ephemeral is what you are looking for.
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Marmalade Skies / Sprice Twice
These two rose varieties are shocking. One is a bybrid tea, the other blooms in large sprays. The color is identical and psychedelic. I painted my dining room charis AND ceiling this color. If you can talk ANYONE into flourescent roal, there will be nothing but smiles. Long lasting in a vase.
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Martine Guillot
This rose is for artists. Each bloom is unique, both in size, shape and color variation. We have designers who cannot get enough (it's an absolute favorite of mine. Think Dogwood on steriods.) If you simply let it do its thing, it will design itself. Stems can be enormous in length, holds well and the fragrance..... It's ivory, though can have blush or tan tones depending on the season. Its the las rose to bloom in the Spring but will continue to bloom well into February.
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Huge peachy salmon blooms on long strong stems. We are in the trial stages for shipping this beauty, but will have limited quantities for local pick up this season.
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Memorial Day
This is a great plant with huge fragrance, wonderful color, disease resistance, and wonderful repeat blooms! The lovely mauve pink color is terrific in interiors and a single stem will perfume an entire room!
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Mme. Paule Massad
Very fragrant large blooms that change in color during the season and for each bloom cycle. Soft apricot peach with deeper tones in the center give way to a beautiful delicate pink overall color. Sweet fragrance - never a straight stem. This is another Evelyn substitute, although much more interesting.
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Probably the most true yellow we grow. Starts almost gold, opens a pure lemon yellow. Ships well, holds well, but expect a few petals to drop.
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Munstead Wood
Deep velvety crimson. There is simply nothing like this color or fragrance! David Austin variety, new rose, just getting established in our garden. More news to come...
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Neptune has a true lavender petal with a dusting of deeper purple on the edges. This large, fragrant, double-petal flower grows upright as a plant reaching 4-5+ feet in our locale. Fine cut flower and lovely in the garden.
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Paul Bocuse
If you know this rose, he needs little explanation. The blooms are in little groups at the end of each stem. It's pink, peach and sometimes orange. We have designers that hoard these blooms. Think Evelyn, but we think its better.
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Peter Mayle
Part of the Meilland Romantica series, this rose is seriously fragrant and long lasting as a cut flower. The blooms can be enormous, grapefruit size, single on a long straight, strong stem. They are a glorious deep salmon pink. Everyone should have this rose in their garden!
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Pillow Fight
The little engine that could... This spray rose pumps out the blooms in clusters that are to die for. Tiny pure white blooms (fragrant!!!) with teensy yellow sepals. When you get your pillow fight, expect just that, feathers floating everywhere! Little blooms, tiny tight buds, some ready to open, some fully open, and others shedding their tiny petals in a ‘pillow fight.’ You get it all in one stem. Fabulous in nosegays or bouquets!
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A vigorous climbing rose with peach/apricot ruffled blooms. Did someone borrow the pinking shears? Long last blooms as a cut flower.
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Pope John Paul II
Perfect huge white rose with the most glorious fragrance. Order extra, as these are single large blooms on a stem. They have a high pointed center so expect some bruising. Best for local pick up, though we have had success shipping these. Quantities limited. If you can choose only one plant for your garden, he’s your guy! Go Paul!
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Princess Alexandra
Another of the Renaissance roses. Multiple large flowers on a stem with absolutely drop dead frangrance. Lovely ruffled petals. One stem is enough to perfurm an entire home. She's a lusciou rasberry pink. This rose is all the rage!
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Princess Alexandra of Kent
Huge and showy. A classic English bloom in the perfect medium/bright pink - the most delicious rasberry color. This David Austin rose is enourmous. One of the healthiest plants ever. Very fragrant.
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Princess Charlene de Monaco
This will be our go to rose over the next few years. Her blooms are huge and healthy. Stems are long and sturdy - tremendous vase life. Watch for subtle color changes throught the season. Can be pink, peach, apricot or orange.
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Could be purple? Could be crimson? Could be a dahlia? One never knows with Prospero.. very long lasting as a cut flower, blends well with purples and burgundies.
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Queen of Sweden
The soft blushy pink flowers last several days as cut flowers. The shape is perfect "chanel" camelia. Classic David Austin shape.
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Remember Me
We do always remember this gorgeous deep russet orange rose with tan accents. It fits well within the hugely popular sepia tone palates. Tall healthy plants with lots of long lasting blooms. We’ll never forget!
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Royal Amethyst
Deep lavender hybrid tea blooms sit atop virtually thornless canes. Unstoppable fragrance on a relatively disease resistant plant. Lavender and purple roses never seem to have the vase life we would like to see, however they make up for it in fragrance.
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