Ambridge Rose
Beautiful soft peach color in the perfect "rosette" form. Strong myrrh fragrance - sweet in so many ways. Amazing in a vase. There is nothing like this rose.
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Apricots and Cream

Benjamin Britten
A David Austin shrub rose in deep vibrant pink. The bloom is high in both fragrance and petal count, lightens as it opens, and has bright yellow stamens. A favorite among floral designers, but watch the thorns! The plant grows vertically and can grow over 6 feet tall in our area.
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Berries N Cream
A climbing rose featuring long, strong stems of semi-double blooms in a swirl of magenta and white. Each stem is a bouquet in and of itself. Flowers all season long on a 12 to 14 ft. plant. Early in the season, expect up to 6 foot long stems. We sell this rose by stem length.
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This rose is an enigma. It came either mis- labeled or ... sometimes it’s a beautiful raspberry pink, other times it’s a lovely deep salmon/coral. Who knows.. The same plant can have different colored blooms .. how about let’s say, it’s absolutely off the charts gorgeous! Another D.Austin winner and absolutely knock out in arrangements. This season they are cutting the size of my hand! Find a reason to use these and there will be party dancers everywhere!
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Bronze Star
This hybrid tea by O.L. Weeks is sensational. Ruffled petals start a deep bronze color then fade to a pleasing apricot on long stems. The fragrance is strong and spicy. This has become a favorite cut flower of ours as it accents just about any interior décor.
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We cut for first time in May '18. The color is "all the big deal' right now, mustard yellow. Lots of sepia tones. The petal count is low however and stored/cooled until last moment.
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Carding Mill
A David Austin rose with flowers of over 80 petals and a strong myrrh fragrance. A favorite among designers for its unique color which is a versatile peachy orange that blends well within multiple color families.
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Cecile Brunner
Tiny ballet pink blooms with strong spice/pepper fragrance on long arching canes. Blooms 2-3 times per year - early in the season and late in the fall. Call for availability, sold by stem length when available. This is the classic climber your grandmother grew!
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Chris Evert
Some call it orange-yellow, others yellow-orange. Look for the scarlet blush tip on the petals as it opens. This clearly distinguishes it from other ‘orange’ roses. Disease resistant hybrid tea with unbeatable color. The plant is a nicely formed upright disease resistant bush
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Christopher Marlowe
While the blooms are on the small side, the color does not dissapoint. This may be the coral we have been waiting for. Perfect round button shaped blossoms, can read medium pink, dark peach, but always coral.
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Claire Austin
I LOVE this rose. She begins with white with the palest yellow center, then opens white or ivory. No blush in site. If you are looking for a "neutral" palette, this is the rose for you.
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Clair Renaissance
Stunning fragrant ‘shell pink’ cupped blossoms with old-rose perfume; looks like an heirloom rose, but has a modern reblooming habit and superior disease resistance. Good luck finding the plants! We haven’t been able to find them recently, however, we do have glorious cuts during bloom season. Can read blush, light peach, or cream depending on the season and bloom stage. Many times, there are multiple blooms on a stem.
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Classic Woman
Enormous scalloped pedaled blooms on long straight stems. Can be a bit on the blushy side to start, particularly early spring, late summer. However, always opens to ‘classic’ ivory!
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Crocus Rose
Another workhorse of a rose. This rose blends with everything. When all else fails, use Crocus. You can't miss with this rose. Ships well, holds well and the color is just perfect. From a light chamois color to a pure cream when fully open.
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Crown Princess Margareta
A larger bush with large and multi petal blooms. It is a gorgeous deep apricot that blends to pure orange. A newer David Austin variety, great in both the garden AND the vase. Need an orange full petal rose for designing? She’s your gal.
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Darcey Bussell
Red roses are extremely hard to find in the multi petal variety that designers want now. This is a relatively new David Austin variety in a beautiful crimson red. The fragrance is medium fruity and the bush is a pleasing medium size shrub.
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She’s new for us this year. While the jury is still out, we are seeing possibilities here for white/cream/blush. Flowers seem sturdy (hold up in shipping)! More on her later this season, and let us hear from you so we can add comments! We love trialing new varieties!
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Distant Drums
Bronze/sepia toned centers with orchid pink outer petals that fade to lavender around the edges. Each stem of Distant Drums will have multiple blooms of ruffled flowers early in the season... a true delight!
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Easy Spirit
I'm hoping this is our new fabulous new white. This rose is proving to be durable (that means shippable), pure white and it has a long shelf life. What's not to like? In addition it's a brand new rose, so by definition, its disease resistant.
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Ebb Tide
Sprays of the deepest purple on the market. Can be almost black in certain weather/soil conditions. We’ve invested heavily in this guy. It’s everyone’s darling!
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Fair Bianca
Yes, the belle of the ball. What can we say other than pure magic. The plant is dreadful, in it’s hey day (before it went ‘off market',) we replaced 500 plants per year.. yes, dug up and replaced. It’s truly that bad. So while it’s not a garden plant we would recommend, the blooms.. do I even need to talk about the blooms? Any of you who have ever used her, just know. The best cut white rose in the business. Expect to pay a premium for the privilege, and please know quantities are limited. We hope to have more plants next season.
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Florence Delattre
Tiny sepia toned violet roses with fully double petals, most always grouped together on a single stem. Repeat blooms all season. Strong spicy fragrance. Please note: we have very few plants... when these are blooming, snap them up before someone else does! Perfect for nosegays and smaller bouquets… it has unparalleled color. We are hoping to add more to our garden as there is nothing like it.
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Fragrant Cloud
Exceptional aroma as the name suggests. A Gamble fragrance award winner in a fabulous deep coral color…blooms less frequently than most modern hybrid tea roses, but when it does, grab the blooms for your design needs.
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Fragrant Plum
Lavender high pointed blooms with a touch of elusive blue. This is a Grandiflora rose which means floribunda on steroids. Lots of blooms per stem on a tall, disease resistant plant with unbelievable fragrance. This is a lovely cut flower, however you are trading fragrance for vase life.
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Francis Meilland
She is relatively new but boy is she a winner. Swirled center, incredible fragance the softest, perfect paule pink AND she ships well We are investing heavily so that we can supply her all season long! Add her to your home garden now! New plants equals disease resistant.
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Francois Rabelais
A floribunda, each stem is loaded with long lasting blossoms. Here is your Chinese red. Fully petaled rose for designing! They are a bit fragile so handle with care. Typically there are enough blooms on a stem so that if you lose a few in transport, it’s not the end of the road (or stem)!
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