This rose is an enigma. It came either mis- labeled or ... sometimes it’s a beautiful raspberry pink, other times it’s a lovely deep salmon/coral. Who knows.. The same plant can have different colored blooms .. how about let’s say, it’s absolutely off the charts gorgeous! Another D.Austin winner and absolutely knock out in arrangements. This season they are cutting the size of my hand! Find a reason to use these and there will be party dancers everywhere!
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Christopher Marlowe
While the blooms are on the small side, the color does not dissapoint. This may be the coral we have been waiting for. Perfect round button shaped blossoms, can read medium pink, dark peach, but always coral.
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Fragrant Cloud
Exceptional aroma as the name suggests. A Gamble fragrance award winner in a fabulous deep coral color…blooms less frequently than most modern hybrid tea roses, but when it does, grab the blooms for your design needs.
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Jubilee Celebration
Large David Austin rose, domed flowers are of a lovely rich salmon-pink with tints of gold on the underside of the petals. Blooms are held elegantly, well above the foliage. Vigorous grower with fruity scent and hints of fresh lemon and raspberry.
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Marmalade Skies / Spice Twice
These two rose varieties are shocking. One is a bybrid tea, the other blooms in large sprays. The color is identical and psychedelic. I painted my dining room charis AND ceiling this color. If you can talk ANYONE into flourescent roal, there will be nothing but smiles. Long lasting in a vase.
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Princess Alexandra of Kent
Huge and showy. A classic English bloom in the perfect medium/bright pink - the most delicious raspberry color. This David Austin rose is enormous. One of the healthiest plants ever. Very fragrant.
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